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Don’t miss the Summit: October 30-November 1 (more info here)


Message from Dr. Sam Matthews:

We are set for a powerful and life-changing week for the Summit conference!  This season in God’s Kingdom is a moment of great importance and power!  Heaven is coming down and the glory of God is filling the earth!

We are blessed to have Dr.  Tom Jones with us as our main speaker on Thursday and Friday nights.  He will be sharing with us from the deep experiences of Holy Spirit revival which God has allowed him to experience as he and Dr. Randy Clark have worked together to expand God’s Kingdom!

Be there and encourage others to attend these meetings.  It is a moment of great visitation from heaven!

Here is an introduction written by Steve Wilson.  Steve has traveled several times now to Brazil with Randy and Tom.  We are blessed to have him release God to our churches!

Dr. Tom Jones is the executive director of Global Awakening. He has traveled with Dr. Randy Clark for several years and has received one of the strongest impartations Randy has ever witnessed. Tom walks in strong apostolic authority and carries the DNA of revival. Global Awakening is an evangelistic and healing stream; the deposit they bring to ICLC is essential for us to fulfill our mandate for worldwide penetration of the Gospel. Come and expect to be touched by the power and presence of God. Tom will be sharing the vision of the work of God in the earth and he will be doing a time of impartation. Both Randy and Tom from Global carry an anointing that is transferable; so expect to receive a deposit that will propel you into the next season of harvest.

Are you ready for this great impartation? You won’t want to miss it!

For the Lamb,

Dr.  Sam Matthews


For more information on Dr. Jones and Global Awakening, click here.